In search of the ideology of the Adena-Hopewell climax
essay 1979 Hall, Robert L.

HopewellNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Hall uses ethnographic analogies from the Old and New Worlds to interpret Adena-Hopewell burial mounds. Hall proposes bird designs and panpipes may relate to concepts of fertility, the use of special muds in burial mounds may be connected to creation...

Cahokia identity and interaction models of Cahokia Mississippian
essay 1991 Hall, Robert L.

MississippianNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
This document provides the reader with a brief history of research at Cahokia, the current culture history, and an in-depth discussion of modeling both Cahokian development and regional interaction. Hall has been one of the few scholars to deal in a ...

book chapter 1964 Caldwell, Joseph R. & Hall, Robert L.

HopewellNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
This is the bibliography for eHRAF documents nos. 5-10....