book chapter

Maadi : excavations at the Predynastic site of Maadi and its cemeteries conducted by Mustapha Amer and Ibrahim Rizkana on behalf of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts of Cairo University, 1930-1953: Vol. III The non-lithic small finds and the structural remains of the Predynastic settlement

P. von ZabernMainz Am Rhein • Published In 1989 • Pages: 1-86, 142-143 , plates

By: Rizkana, Ibrahim, Seeher, Jürgen.

In this volume (the third of four volumes, eHRAF documents nos. 11-18) Ibrahim Rizkana and Jürgen Seeher describe the non-lithic small finds and the structural remains from Maadi, south of Cairo. The non-lithic small finds include the clay objects that aren't pots, copper artifacts (fishhooks, pins, needles, other copper tools, and ingots), color pigments, shell artifacts (decorated ostrich eggs, shell ornaments), bone ornaments and bone tools (awls, pins, combs), and objects of wood, leather remains, fragments of textiles, and remains of ropes and basketry. The section on structural remains describes the various features found during the excavations. These include remains of oval and rectangular structures, probably dwellings, and also the remains of some subterranean structures, that may have been the remains of dwelling of foreign traders (from what is today Israel and the West Bank) who were temporarily stranded in Predynastic Maadi. Also found were the remains of what were probably fences; pits and storage cellars; mud holes, some of which may have been used to help process food; hearths for both domestic cooking and firing pottery; and a few burials within the settlement. The artifacts had been stored in magazines on the site and some deterioration of the artifacts (mostly due to loss) and loss and deterioration of the documentation had occurred. The authors used the excavator's notes, photographs, and the artifacts themselves to prepare this report. As only a sample of the artifacts found during excavation were kept, the authors do not do any statistical analyses of the artifacts. As in the other volumes the artifacts and features are compared to contemporary artifacts and features found in Upper Egypt and Palestine (Gaza, Israel, and the West Bank). This document includes a catalog of the non-lithic small finds artifacts along with drawings and some photographs. Also included are photographs of the excavations and features.
Comparative evidence
Preservation and storage of food
Bone, horn, and shell technology
Ceramic technology
Heating and lighting equipment
General tools
External trade
Visual arts
Burial practices and funerals
Cultural stratigraphy
Lower Egypt Predynastic
HRAF PubDate
Sub Region
Northern Africa
Document Type
book chapter
Creator Type
Document Rating
4: Excellent Secondary Data
5: Excellent Primary Data
Sarah Berry ; 2004
Field Date
Maadi-North: 1930-1936, 1939, 1940, 1946-1948
Coverage Date
Predynastic; second half of Naqada I - Naqada II c; first half of the 4th millennium
Coverage Place
Maadi, Egypt
by Ibrahim Rizkana and Jürgen Seeher
Includes bibliographical references
Neolithic Period--Egypt