
Chavin and the origins of Andean civilization

Thames and HudsonLondon • Published In 1992 • Pages:

By: Burger, Richard L..

This book provides an excellent overview of Chavín culture. Burger begins his book by stating, 'Public architecture and other elements more fully developed in Chavín civilization first appear during the Late Preceramic, and became more numerous during the Initial Period. In fact, many of the traits that Tello believed were diagnostic of Chavín civilization are now known to be much earlier in date. Therefore, in order to trace the genesis of early Peruvian civilization it will be necessary to consider in the chapters that follow the Late Preceramic and the Initial Period, as well as the Early Horizon, before moving on to Chavín itself.' (page 11). However, only the data that pertain to Chavín were indexed for OCM (Outline of Cultural Materials) subjects. Burger describes the evironmental setting for the Peruvian coast, highlands and eastern slopes of the Andes. He then goes on to discuss the beginings of Peruvian civilization (defined as the groups of people able to construct monumental architecture) in the late Preceramic Period. The various societies on the coast and in the highlands are described, especially their public architecture, economies, art, settlement patterns, burials, and interactions (such as trade) between coastal communities and coastal and highland communities. The Inital Period and Early Horizon are described in similar detail. In his description of the Early Horizon, Burger also discusses which societies participated in the Chavín Horizon and which did not. Burger highlights the strictly Peruvian thought patterns and ways of doing things that made Chavín possible (such as the spread of the Chavín cult without the use of proselytizing missionaries). The fall of Chavín is explored along with the changes that entailed. It is suggested that since Chavín was not a strong centralized state it could not maintain long-term stability. The reader should be aware that the end notes were not indexed for OCM subjects. All OCM subjects for the various end notes were added to the appropriate paragraphs in the main text of the book. The paragraphs are hyperlinked to the end notes.
Historical reconstruction
Acculturation and culture contact
Cultural participation
Ceramic technology
Lithic industries
Religious and educational structures
Settlement patterns
External trade
Visual arts
Spirits and gods
Sacred objects and places
Chronologies and culture sequences
HRAF PubDate
South America
Sub Region
Central Andes
Document Type
Creator Type
Document Rating
4: Excellent Secondary Data
5: Excellent Primary Data
Sarah Berry ; 2003
Field Date
1970s and 1980s
Coverage Date
Late Initial - Early Horizon
Coverage Place
Richard L. Burger
Includes bibliographical references (p. 238-244) and index
Chavín culture