Shum Laka (Cameroon): late Pleistone and early Holocene deposits
aspects of african archaeology : papers from the 10th congress of the panafrican association for prehistory and related studies • Harare • Published In 1996 • Pages: 256-263
By: Cornelissen, Els.
This document describes findings in an excavation unit at the Shum Laka rock shelter; mainly non-standardized quartz microlithic tools. The site, in the vicinity of open grassland, was continuously occupied from the terminal Pleistocene into the Holocene.
- Region
- Africa
- Sub Region
- Western Africa
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Sarah Berry; 2020
- Field Date
- 1991-1994
- Coverage Date
- 31,700-6,870 BP
- Coverage Place
- Shum Laka rock shelter, North-West Region, Cameroon
- Notes
- Els Cornelissen
- Includes bibliographical references (p. 263)
- 97980077
- West African Late Stone Age