eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Ceramics and community organization among the HohokamBook 2000 • Abbott, David R.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
A Report on the excavations of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization at Beni Amir and Gez. el-Masha'la in the Eastern Desertessay 1992 • Abd el-Hagg Ragab, Mohammed
Early Dynastic Egypt • Africa > Northern Africa
Investigation of an obsidian midden at Cihuatecpan, Mexicoessay 1988 • Abrams, Elliot Marc
Central Mexico Postclassic • Middle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Tradition summaryessay 2002 • Ackerman, Robert E.
Late Tundra • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
Mid-holocene occupation of interior southwest Alaskaessay 1987 • Ackerman, Robert E.
Late Tundra • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
Ground Hog Bay, site 2essay 1996 • Ackerman, Robert E.
Late Tundra • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
Earliest stone industries on the north Pacific coast of North Americaarticle 1992 • Ackerman, Robert E.
Late Tundra • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
The Neolithic-Bronze Age cultures of Asia and the Norton phase of Alaskan prehistoryarticle 1982 • Ackerman, Robert E.
Norton • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
The Northern Archaic tradition in southwestern Alaskaarticle 2004 • Ackerman, Robert E.
Northern Archaic • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
Security Cove and the Northern Archaic tradition revisitedarticle 2008 • Ackerman, Robert E.
Northern Archaic • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
La Malacofaunaessay 1980 • Acuña Hernández, José Daniel & Robeles Cuenca, Fernando
Impressed Ware • Europe > General Europe
The fort cemetery at HierakonpolisBook 1987 • Adams, Barbara & Hoffman, Michael A.
Upper Egypt Predynastic • Africa > Northern Africa
Imports and influences in the Predynastic and Protodynastic settlement and funerary assemblages at Hierakonpolisessay 1992 • Adams, Barbara & Friedman, Reneé
Upper Egypt Predynastic • Africa > Northern Africa
Elite tombs at Hierakonpolisessay 1996 • Adams, Barbara
Early Dynastic Egypt • Africa > Northern Africa
Changing form and function in Western Pueblo ceremonial architecture from A.D. 1000 to A.D. 1500essay 1989 • Adams, E. Charles
Early Anasazi • North America > Southwest and Basin
The Pueblo III - Pueblo IV transition in the Hopi area, Arizonaessay 1996 • Adams, E. Charles
Early Anasazi • North America > Southwest and Basin
The origin and development of the Pueblo Katsina cultBook 1991 • Adams, E. Charles
Late Anasazi • North America > Southwest and Basin
The Pueblo III - Pueblo IV transition in the Hopi area, Arizonaessay 1996 • Adams, E. Charles
Late Anasazi • North America > Southwest and Basin
The origins of civilization in the Maya lowlandsessay 1977 • Adams, Richard E. W. & Culbert, T. Patrick
Preclassic Maya • Middle America and the Caribbean > Maya Area
Rio Bec archaeology and the rise of Maya civilizationessay 1977 • Adams, Richard E. W.
Preclassic Maya • Middle America and the Caribbean > Maya Area
Concluding remarksessay 1989 • Adams, Robert McCormick et al.
Ubaid • Middle East > Middle East
Configurations of settlementessay 1972 • Adams, Robert McCormick
Late Chalcolithic Mesopotamia • Middle East > Middle East
Catalog of surveyed sitesessay 1972 • Adams, Robert McCormick
Late Chalcolithic Mesopotamia • Middle East > Middle East
Heartland of citiesbook chapter 1981 • Adams, Robert McCormick
Early Dynastic Mesopotamia • Middle East > Middle East
Population aggregation and the Anasazi social landscapeessay 1994 • Adler, Michael A.
Early Anasazi • North America > Southwest and Basin