PPNC adaptations in the first half of the 6th millenium BC
Paléorient • 19 • Published In 1994 • Pages: 33-42
By: Rollefson, Gary Orin, Köhler-Rollefson, Ilse.
Using data primarily from 'Ain Ghazal this document examines the change in subsistence that probably occurred as the environments around agricultural settlements became degraded. The authors propose the settlements split into farming and herding groups. The pastoral group would have returned to their village and their houses for only part of the year, becoming incipient migratory pastoralists. This would account for the architectural changes seen in the late PPNB and PPNC such as the adoption of the 'corridor' houses that can be found at Beidha and 'Ain Ghazal and for some of the differences in projectile points.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2009
- Region
- Middle East
- Sub Region
- Middle East
- Document Type
- article
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Sarah Berry; 2007
- Field Date
- no date
- Coverage Date
- Middle Pre-Pottery Neolithic B to Pre-Pottery Neolithic C; 8510±90 BP-7720±100BP (6510±90 BC-5720±100 BC)
- Coverage Place
- 'Ain Ghazal, Jordon
- Notes
- G. O. Rollefson and I. Köhler-Rollefson
- Includes bibliographical references (p. 41-42)
- 88649200
- Neolithic period