'Ubaidian villages of lower Mesopotamia: permanence and evolution from the 'Ubaid O to 'Ubaid 4 as seen from Tell el'Oueili
upon this foundation : the 'ubaid reconsidered : proceedings from the 'ubaid symposium, elsinore, may 30th-june 1st 1988 • Copenhagen • Published In 1989 • Pages: 18-42
By: Huot, Jean-Louis, Ubaid Symposium (1988 : Helsingør, Denmark).
This is a study of one of the oldest known settlements in southern Iraq, Tell el'Oueili, at the time of the author's field work (1976-1987). Essentially this work discusses the 'palaeo-environment' of the 'Ubaid society during this early period, as based on stratigraphical analysis of the various occupational layers at the site. Emphasis in this work is on environmental conditions that prevailed at the beginning and the end of the period represented, rather than evolutionary changes with time. Also addressed in this document is the manner in which the population adjusted to changes in the environment during the late 'Ubaid period. In summary, Huot classifies the Tell el'Oueili economy as being based on cereal agriculture, with specialized stock-raising, supplemented by fishing.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2000
- Region
- Middle East
- Sub Region
- Middle East
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- John Beierle ; 2006
- Field Date
- 1976-1987
- Coverage Date
- 7500-6000 BP (5500-4000 BC)
- Coverage Place
- Tell el'Oueili, southern Iraq
- Notes
- By Jean-Louis Huot
- Discussion of Jean-Louis Huot's paper / Chairman H.T. Wright
- For bibliographical references see document 14: Henrickson and Thuesen
- Ubaid culture