book chapter

Pinson Mounds: a middle woodland ceremonial center

Tennessee Dept. of Conservation (7) • Published In 1986 • Pages: vii-xiv, 1-90

By: Mainfort, Robert C., Beck, Lane A., Kwas, Mary L., Morse, Dan F., Shannon, George W..

Mainfort describes previous research at Pinson Mounds and his own excavations for the Tennessee Department of Conservation, Division of Archaeology. 'The Pinson Mounds site includes at least 12 mounds (some of them were large platform mounds and others were burial mounds), a large geometric embankment, and associated short-term habitations aresa…' (page 4). It is one of the largest if not the largest mound group from the Middle Woodland period whether measured by acreage (400 acres) or by volume of mound fill (approximately 100,000 cubic meters). It was a unique Middle Woodland ceremonial center. Mainfort conducted excavations at Mound 5, Mound 31, Mound 10, Duck's Nest, the Duck Nest sector, and Mound 6 also known as the Twin Mounds. A major portion of this report describes Mainfort's excavations at the northern burial mound of Twin Mounds.
Archaeological excavation methods
Post depositional processes in archaeological sites
Ceramic technology
Religious and educational structures
Miscellaneous structures
Miscellaneous facilities
Burial practices and funerals
Cultural stratigraphy
Eastern Middle Woodland
HRAF PubDate
North America
Sub Region
Eastern Woodlands
Document Type
book chapter
Creator Type
Document Rating
4: Excellent Secondary Data
5: Excellent Primary Data
Sarah Berry ; 2003
Field Date
Coverage Date
2050 BP-1540 BP (50 B.C.- 460 A.D.)
Coverage Place
Pinson Mounds (40MD1) and Cochran site, Tennessee, United States
by Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. with contributions by Lane A. Beck …. [et al.]
Includes bibliographical references (p. 84-87)
Woodland culture