The Arroyo site: site AZ AA:3:28 (ASU)
Prehistoric hunter-gatherers of south central Arizona: the Picacho Reservoir Archaic Project, by Frank E. Bayham, Donald H. Morris, M. Steven Shackley • (13) • Published In 1986 • Pages: 67-77
By: Bayham, Frank E., Morris, Donald H., Shackley, M. Steven.
Bayham et al. describe the various loci associated with AZ AA:3:28 (ASU). These were labeled Locus A-M. They also describe the artifacts recovered, what types of activities occurred at the site, and the field work conducted at each locus. There is also a brief description of AZ AA:3:29 (ASU).
- HRAF PubDate
- 2010
- Region
- North America
- Sub Region
- Southwest and Basin
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Sarah Berry; 2010
- Field Date
- 1983-1984
- Coverage Date
- 4570 ± 100 BP to 1260 ± 90 BP
- Coverage Place
- Arroyo site; Picacho Dune Field, Picacho Reservoir area, Arizona, United States
- Notes
- Frank E. Bayham; Donald H. Morris; M. Steven Shackley
- For bibliographical references see document 22: Bayham, Morris, Shackley
- Indians of North America--Antiquities