Chiricahua stage
Cochise cultural sequence in southeastern Arizona, E.B. Sayles with the collaboration of Ernst Antevs [et al • (42) • Published In 1983 • Pages: 114-124
By: Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth).
The Chiricahua stage of the Cochise culture was originally synthesized comparing the rich collection of artifacts from the Cave Creek midden ...with the material found in geological context at sites along Whitewater Draw (p. 114). Those sites which are identified with the Chiricahua stage include: (1) arroyo-bank sites with geological context, (2) surface hearths or middens, (3) cave sites, and (4) sites identified as Chiricahua by either archaeological or geological criteria, but not both (p. 117).
- HRAF PubDate
- 2010
- Region
- North America
- Sub Region
- Southwest and Basin
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- John Beierle; 2010
- Field Date
- 1935-1937, 1953
- Coverage Date
- 8000-3500 BP (6000-1500 BC)
- Coverage Place
- Arizona and New Mexico, United States
- Notes
- E. B. Sayles
- For bibliographical references see document 32: Sayles
- 83001083
- Cochise culture
- Paleo-Indians--Arizona
- Arizona--Antiquities