Ceramics and community organization among the Hohokam
University of Arizona Press • Tucson • Published In 2000 • Pages:
By: Abbott, David R..
Abbott uses ceramic data to examine the social relationships of the Hohokam. Based on geological studies in the basin he is now able to examine the temper in a pot sherd and determine the source of the temper and therefore the area where the pot was made. Contrary to long held assumptions, plainware pots were also being exchanged within the Phoenix Basin. Abbott is then able to infer that despite the complexity of their canal system, the Hohokam used a kin-based social mechanism to control their irrigation facilities. There is some indication that during the Classic period, as the platform mounds were used for elevated households, some elites were trying to consolidate power and change the system to a vertically stratified one. However, the worsening predictability of the water flow from the Salt River prevented the elites from establishing a more stratified society.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2010
- Region
- North America
- Sub Region
- Southwest and Basin
- Document Type
- Book
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Sarah Berry; 2009
- Field Date
- no date
- Coverage Date
- 1050-550 BP (AD 950-1450)
- Coverage Place
- Phoenix basin, Arizona, United States
- Notes
- David R. Abbott
- Peering into the reflections -- Environmental and cultural background -- Hohokam social organization -- Projects at Pueblo Grande and elsewhere -- Establishing the geographic source of temper-- Chemical assays of ceramic clay fractions -- Vessel-form and technological variation at Pueblo Grande -- A model of Hohokam ceramic production and exchange -- Canal system 2 and classic period communities -- Social change at Pueblo Grande -- A trial model of sociopolitical change -- Layers of understanding
- Includes bibliographical references (p. 233-253) and index
- 99006768
- Pueblo Grande Museum
- Hohokam culture--Arizona--Phoenix
- Hohokam pottery--Arizona--PhoenixSocial archaeology--Arizona--PhoenixPhoenix (Ariz.)--Antiquities