Chalcatzingo burials as indicators of social ranking
ancient chalcatzingo • Austin • Published In 1987 • Pages: 95-113
By: Merry de Morales, Marcia.
Merry de Morales interprets the raw data on human burials provided in Merry de Morales: 1987 (Document 34) to assess social ranking at the Olmec-influenced highland site of Chalcatzingo. Significant indicators of rank are found to be grave location (public and ritual space versus domestic space), type (full stone crypt, graves with some stone lining, and simple pit burials), and treatment of the corpse with hematite pigment. The presence and placement of furnishings is also important, if less discrete: jade/greenstone objects (mostly jewelry but rarely worn by the deceased) and ceramic vessels (especially censers, and jars placed within shallow bowls). Detailed descriptions are given of burials by phase or period (the overwhelming majority Middle Formative period Cantera phase), and according to context and associations. The work concludes with comparisons to relatively scarce Gulf Coast Olmec mortuary evidence, demonstrating shared traits among elites, who at Chalcatzingo may even have been leaders sent from the coast (perhaps from the dominant site at that time, La Venta) to rule an otherwise culturally distinctive native population.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2000
- Region
- Middle America and the Caribbean
- Sub Region
- Central Mexico
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Document Rating
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Leon G. Doyon ; 2007
- Field Date
- 1972-1976
- Coverage Date
- 3100 BP-2500 BP.
- Coverage Place
- Chalcatzingo, Morelos State, Mexico
- Notes
- Marcia Merry de Morales
- crypts, stone - use 'BURIAL PRACTICES AND FUNERALS (764)' and 'MASONRY (333)'; hematite pigment - use 'PERSONAL GROOMING (302)' or 'PAINT AND DYE MANUFACTURE (386)'
- For bibliographical references see Grove: 1987 (Document 3)
- 85022673
- Olmecs