The ruins of Coba
cobá, a classic maya metropolis • New York • Published In 1983 • Pages: 65-87
By: Folan, William J..
Folan describes and interprets some of the major buildings (mostly temples) that are found in the core area of Cobá. In doing so he also discusses some of the dieties important to the people of Cobá. Some of the stelae associated with these buildings are also discussed. Folan covers how the SACBEOB were constructed and some of the structures associated with them. Some of these structures are refered to as 'customs check points.'
- HRAF PubDate
- 2000
- Region
- Middle America and the Caribbean
- Sub Region
- Maya Area
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Sarah Berry ; 1999
- Field Date
- 1974-1976
- Coverage Date
- Classic Period
- Coverage Place
- Cobá; Quintana Roo, Mexico
- Notes
- William J. Folan
- For bibliographical information see document number 35: Anonymous
- 82008895
- Mayas--Antiquities