book chapter

La prehistoria temprana de la Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador: cultura Las Vegas

Museos del Banco Central del EcuadorGuayaquil, Ecuador • Published In 1988 • Pages: 1-104, 133-169, 187-202, 215-274

By: Stothert, Karen E..

This study, in Spanish, is the result of three years of archaeological investigations of the Las Vegas culture located on Santa Elena peninsula in southeastern Ecuador. Of the 32 known sites in the area, the Las Vegas site, designated as OGSE80, is one of the best studied ones in Ecuador representing the oldest human adaptation to the littoral known for northwest South America and Mesoamerica. Excavations at the site uncovered some 200 human skeletons representing the late phase of the Las Vegas culture (i.e., 8,250 B.P.-6,600 B.P.). These remains represent the largest sample so far in the New World from which data on population size, health, and funeral customs can be obtained. At the end of this document the author describes and reconstructs the way of life of these people based on her inferences about their adaptation to the paleo-environment of that day. Other chapters in this work provide information on flora, fauna, minerals, artifacts, and the laboratory analysis of the artifactual components from the site. Data on archaeological structures is scant, with only a very few domestic dwellings being described, although these represent some of the earliest habitation sites in Ecuador. Stothert characterizes the economy of the Las Vegas people as being based on hunting, fishing, and gathering with some limited horticulture, especially in terms of maize agriculture.
Archaeological excavation methods
Topography and geology
Bone, horn, and shell technology
Ceramic technology
Lithic industries
General tools
Burial practices and funerals
Chronologies and culture sequences
Cultural stratigraphy
Early Northwest South American Littoral
HRAF PubDate
South America
Sub Region
Northwestern South America
Document Type
book chapter
Creator Type
Document Rating
5: Excellent Primary Data
John Beierle; 2000
Field Date
ca. 1980s (three years)
Coverage Date
10,800 BP-6,600 BP (8,850 B.C.-4,650 B.C.)
Coverage Place
Las Vegas site (OGSE-80), Santa Elena peninsula, Guayas Province, Ecuador
Karen E. Stothert
Includes bibliographical references (p. 261-271)
Indians of South America--Antiquities