
Chavín de Huántar: excavaciones en la Galería de las Ofrendas

P. von ZabernMainz Am Rhein • Published In 1993 • Pages: 461 , [102] of plates

By: Lumbreras, Luis Guillermo, Cardoza, Carmen Rosa, Baraybar do Carmo, José Pablo, Ortiz, Enrique G., Houde, Peter, Sandweiss, Daniel H., del Carmen Rodríguez, María, Astocóndor, Mauro Gilberto Mariano.

This document, in Spanish with a summary in German, presents a major study of the excavation of the Ofrendas gallery at the old temple at Chavín de Huántar. Lumbreras recaps his discussion of the architecture noted in his previous work at the site (see eHRAF document no.5 in this file), and then proceeds with a discussion of all of the finds within the gallery which he interprets as dedicatory offerings deposited over a very short period of time, if not during a single episode while the temple was under construction. Discussed in detail in this work are ceramics of local and non-local production, stone and bone artifacts, faunal remains, and human remains (with further details about evidence derived from the bones for cannibalistic rites). General information is also found in this study on the socio-political organization of the Chavín time period. The work is well illustrated with numerous plates following the text.
Archaeological excavation methods
Ceramic technology
Lithic industries
Religious and educational structures
General tools
Visual arts
Burial practices and funerals
Prayers and sacrifices
Cultural stratigraphy
Typologies and classifications
Archaeological inventories
HRAF PubDate
South America
Sub Region
Central Andes
Document Type
Creator Type
Document Rating
5: Excellent Primary Data
John Beierle ; 2003
Field Date
Coverage Date
2800-2600 BP (800-600 B.C.)
Coverage Place
Chavín de Huántar, central highlands, Peru
por Luis Guillermo Lumbreras
Apendice I: Identificacion de los restos animales depositados en la galeria de las ofrendas de Chavin de Huantar -- Carmen Rosa Cardoza / Apendice II: Identificacion de los huesos humanos -- José Pablo Baraybar do Carmo / Apendice III: Identificacion de los huesos de aves -- Enrique G. Ortiz y Peter Houde / Apendice IV: Restos malacologicos de la Galeria -- Daniel H. Sandweiss y María del Carmen Rodríguez / Apendice V: Identificacion de muestras ictiologicas -- Mauro Gilberto Mariano Astocóndor / Apendice VI: Fechados radiocarbonicos (C 14) de Chavin -- Luis Guillermo Lumbreras
Includes bibliographical references (p. [446]-461)
Chavín culture