Subsistence systems in the Chimú state
chan chan: andean desert city • Albuquerque • Published In 2010 • Pages: 177-196
By: Pozorski, Shelia Griffis.
Food remains from ten sites in the Moche Valley are analyzed in order to reconstruct changes in subsistence from the Cotton Preceramic to the end of the Late Horizon (only the data pertaining to the Chimu are topic indexed). Industrial plants and wild species are included. Subsistence patterns at Chan Chan and three other communities are compared: Cerro la Virgen and Choroval, farming communities close to the ocean, and Caracoles, likely a community corvée laborers. In addition to diet, there is a discussion of the economic organization of the Chimu state, with redistribution of food and services between communities, and territorial expansion into new resource zones as evidenced by the introduction of new species of fruit.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2015
- Region
- South America
- Sub Region
- Central Andes
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Sarah Berry; 2014
- Field Date
- no date given
- Coverage Date
- 1800-524 BP (AD 200-1476)
- Coverage Place
- Trujillo province (Moche Valley), La Libertad, Peru
- Notes
- Shelia G. Pozorski
- For bibliographical references see document 18:[Moseley and Day] (2010, References)
- Reprint of 1982 copy
- 80054567
- Chanchán (Peru)