The northern frontier of the kingdom of Chimor: the Piura, Chira, and Tumbez Valleys
northern dynasties : kingship and statecraft in chimor: a symposium at dumbarton oaks, 12th and 13th october 1985 • Washington, D.C. • Published In 1990 • Pages: 419-445
By: Richardson, James B. (James Bushnell), McConaughy, Mark A., De Peña, Allison Heaps, Zamecnik, Elena B. Décima.
Using archaeological survey data collected from the Piura and Chira valleys and along the far north coast of Peru, cultural phases from the Initial Period up to the Inca are examined (only data pertaining to the Chimu Tradition are topic indexed). This distinctive culture area from the Sechura Desert to the Ecuadoran border contains evidence of cultural exchange along the coast, and the presence of the Chimu. Survey data include settlement patterns, adobe brick shapes, [i]huacas[/i], surface ceramic collections, and radiocarbon dates. Trade, and a melding of ideas between Ecuador and Peru can be traced to the Preceramic Period, and during the Moche to Chimu traditions is apparent in the presence of paddle-marked and burnished blackware pottery, adobe shapes, walled compounds, fortresses, copper smelting, and [i]Spondylus[/i] shell. However, the people of the area never spoke Yunga, the language of the Chimu, and the architecture of Piura Phase 3 sites is unlike the administrative centers or [i]ciudadelas[/i] found at Chan Chan or at Manchan.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2015
- Region
- South America
- Sub Region
- Central Andes
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Sarah Berry; 2014
- Field Date
- not specified
- Coverage Date
- 1100-468 BP (AD 900-1532)
- Coverage Place
- Piura, Chira, and Tumbez valleys, Piura and Tumbez regions, Peru
- Notes
- James B. Richardson III, Mark A. McConaughy, Allison Heaps De Peña, Elena B. Décima Zamecnik
- Includes bibliographical references (p. 440-445)
- 89023336
- Chimu Indians--Politics and government--Congresses
- Chimu Indians--Antiquities--Congresses
- Chan Chan Site (Peru)--Congresses
- Peru--Antiquities--Congresses