Changing form and function in Western Pueblo ceremonial architecture from A.D. 1000 to A.D. 1500
essay 1989 Adams, E. Charles

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
The goals of this paper are to analyze and interpret changes in kiva form and village layout at sites occupied by prehistoric people in northeastern Arizona. Between AD 1000 and 1500, kivas changed from circular to D-shaped or rectangular forms. Deve...

The Pueblo III - Pueblo IV transition in the Hopi area, Arizona
essay 1996 Adams, E. Charles

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Adams explores the changes that occurred in the Hopi area during the Pueblo III to Pueblo IV period. Only the data that pertain to the Pueblo III period were marked for Outline of Cultural Materials codes. He describes the changes that occurred in th...

The origin and development of the Pueblo Katsina cult
Book 1991 Adams, E. Charles

Late AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Adams writes, "This book is a study of the concept of katsina and the Pueblo religion that has developed around this concept. … The focus of this book is more properly on defining what makes katsinas unique, why this concept was developed, and what a...

The Pueblo III - Pueblo IV transition in the Hopi area, Arizona
essay 1996 Adams, E. Charles

Late AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Adams explores the changes that occurred in the Hopi area during the Pueblo III to Pueblo IV period. Only the data that pertain to the Pueblo IV period were marked for Outline of Cultural Materials codes. He describes the changes that occurred in the...