Configurations of settlement
essay 1972 Adams, Robert McCormick

Late Chalcolithic MesopotamiaMiddle East > Middle East
This document is essentially a study of settlement and urbanization patterns of the early and late Uruk cultures in the Warka region of Iraq during the Late Chalcolithic Mesopotamian period (6000-5100 BP). Data relevant to other archaeological tradit...

Catalog of surveyed sites
essay 1972 Adams, Robert McCormick

Late Chalcolithic MesopotamiaMiddle East > Middle East
This article consists of a catalog of surveyed sites prepared as an appendix to the author's major work in the eHRAF collection on the Late Chalcolithic Mesopotamian period (see Adams, 1972, no. 9). Numbered references in this catalog refer to site r...

Heartland of cities
book chapter 1981 Adams, Robert McCormick

Early Dynastic MesopotamiaMiddle East > Middle East
Adams describes the Mesopotamian environment, his surface survey, and its results in this pivitol study on the settlement patterns in Mesopotamia and the Diyala region. Adams' book describes settlements and traces some of the ancient canals and river...

Concluding remarks
essay 1989 Adams, Robert McCormick et al.

UbaidMiddle East > Middle East
These concluding remarks by Adams and Wright presents a brief summary and evaluation of the various papers presented at the 'Ubaid symposium held at Elsinore, Denmark, from May 30th to June 1st, 1988 (eHRAF documents in this collection). Additional s...