Population aggregation and the Anasazi social landscape
essay 1994 Adler, Michael A.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Adler looks at changes in residential groups during the 400 years the Anasazi were developing large aggregated settlements. Adler argues that population aggregation is associated with changes in the degree of resource scarcity, especially arable land...

Ritual facilities and social integration in nonranked societies
essay 1989 Adler, Michael A.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Adler examines kivas as integrative facilities used by a community to reduce scalar stress. When communities are smaller the kiva use-group is smaller and there are fewer restrictions on who may use the facility and on how the facility is used. In ot...

'The great period'
essay 1996 Adler, Michael A.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Adler introduces the papers in this volume and the purpose behind the conference known as the 'Pueblo III conference.' The conference explored 'The extent to which historic Pueblo architectural and settlement patterns emerged during the Pueblo III pe...

Land tenure, archaeology, and the ancestral pueblo social landscape
essay 1996 Adler, Michael A.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Adler examines changes in land tenure and land use as it can be inferred from the archaeology in the region around Mesa Verde. Adler first examines land tenure systems with cross-cultural data from a world-wide sample of food-producing societies, exa...

Tradition Summary
essay 2012 Adler, Michael A.

Late AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is a summary of the Late Anasazi Tradition. Information is presented on major aspects of the Late Anasazi archaeological tradition....

Mapping the Puebloan Southwest
essay 1996 Adler, Michael A. & Johnson, Amber L.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Adler and Johnson compiled a master data table from 12 regional maps and site lists supplied by the participants to the 'Pueblo Cultures in Transition' conference. The data only includes the information from the variables that were always available. ...

Ancestral Pueblo population aggregation and abandonment in the North American Southwest
article 1996 Adler, Michael A. et al.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Adler et al. discuss how using different hypotheses to explain the archaeological data concerning aggregation and abandonment will emphasize either the factors 'pushing' a population or community or 'pulling' a population or community to change. 'Our...

Ancestral Pueblo population aggregation and abandonment in the North American Southwest
article 1996 Adler, Michael A. et al.

Late AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Adler et al. discuss how using different hypotheses to explain the archaeological data concerning aggregation and abandonment will emphasize either the factors 'pushing' a population or community or 'pulling' a population or community to change. 'Our...

Southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah settlement patterns
essay 1996 Varien, Mark et al.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
In this article the authors examine settlement patterns in southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah between AD 1100 and 1300. After a presentation of the analytical methods used by the authors, they examine settlement pattern cycles before AD 1100...