Late Archaic components at Modoc Rock Shelter, Randolph County, Illinois
book chapter 1992 Ahler, Steven R.

Eastern Late ArchaicNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
'This report primarily summarizes data from archaeological excavations at the Modoc Rock Shelter in 1987. This expedition is part of a long-term research project which focuses on prehistoric environmental change and cultural adaptation along the sout...

Analysis of 1984 stratum 8E levels
book chapter 1992 Ahler, Steven R. & Styles, Bonnie Whatley

Eastern Late ArchaicNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Ahler and Styles analyzed the 1984 data for the Stratum 8E levels to determine if they represent a residential camp or a resource extraction location. To do this they needed to analyze the assemblage diversity. However, during the 1987 excavations, S...

Summary and integration
book chapter 1992 Ahler, Steven R. & Styles, Bonnie Whatley

Eastern Late ArchaicNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Analysis of the data indicate the site changed in use during the 1000 year period of the Late Archaic. A Falling Springs component is represented in Strata 9E and 8EC. During this time period the inhabitants used Modoc Rock Shelter as a long term bas...

Modoc Rock Shelter revisited
essay 1983 Styles, Bonnie Whatley et al.

Eastern Middle ArchaicNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Additional excavation carried out at Modoc Rock Shelter used more refined techniques to re-analyze the stratigraphy and collect additional floral and faunal remains, artifacts, and additional radiocarbon dates. This article summarizes the results of ...