The lithic remains from Anangula, an 8,500 year old Aleut coastal village
Book 1978 Aigner, Jean S.

Late TundraNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
Aigner analyzed the Anangula lithic material excavated in 1963 by the University of Wisconsin, Department of Anthropology. Anangula was a year-round base village of sea mammal hunters and fishers. This study is an in-depth, etiological analysis of th...

Cultural implications of core distribution and use patterns at Anangula, 8500-8000 BP
article 1976 Aigner, Jean S. & Fullem, Bruce

Late TundraNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
Aigner and Fullem examined the distribution of the lithic tools (mainly cores) to determine manufacturing areas or workshops. The work areas were associated with houses but were not found on the house floors, which is similar to living Aleut communit...

Early Holocene maritime adaption in the Aleutian Islands
essay 1982 Aigner, Jean S. & Del Bene, Terry A.

Late TundraNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
Aigner and Del Bene use data from Anangula to help understand 'the peopling of the New World and the development of maritime adaptations in the Asiatic-New World coastal zone,' [page 36]. They discuss some of the geological and geographical features ...