L'outillage en matière dure animale du site Néolithique ancien de L'ile Corrège a Port-Leucate (Aude)
essay 1984 Barbaza, Michel et al.

Impressed WareEurope > General Europe
The authors examine 43 bone artifacts from the Ile Corrège site. Most of the artifacts have points for punching holes and are made from the metatarsals and metacarpals of sheep, goat, cattle and deer....

L'industrie de la pierre du site Néolithique ancien de Leucate-Corrège
essay 1984 Guilaine, Jean et al.

Impressed WareEurope > General Europe
An analysis and classification of 271 stone artifacts. Tools identified include scrappers, awls, weights, grinders and axes. The variety of tools suggest the presence of specialized activities, including fishing, hunting, and probably farming....