Transitional Late Predynastic - Early Dynastic occupation at Mendes
essay 1992 Brewer, Douglas J. & Wenke, Robert J.

Early Dynastic EgyptAfrica > Northern Africa
The authors briefly describe their excavations and finding in Test Area A and Test Area B. The tell had a community during the Archaic. They also discuss their future excavation plans....

The Neolithic - Predynastic transition in the Fayum depression
essay 1992 Wenke, Robert J. & Brewer, Douglas J.

Lower Egypt PredynasticAfrica > Northern Africa
Wenke and Brewer '…assess some of the evidence concerning the apparent near-abandonment of the Fayum after about 4000 B.C., and [they] place this evidence in the context of the cultural changes Egypt was undergoing at this time. The data … come from ...