Appendix A
essay 1987 Bugé, David E.

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
The bibliography for this document can be found in the eHRAF Olmec collection (NU95) Evans, document 3. This is a list of the plant remains recovered from Caves 2 and 8 by Robert Burton....

Plant ecology and paleoecology
essay 1987 Bugé , David E.

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Bugé opens with an inventory of the modern vegetation zones in the highland Río Amatzinac Valley and their relationships to soils and humidity. Modern pollen spectra are then compared to fossil spectra from the Olmec-influenced site of Chalcatzingo d...

Contemporary agriculture at Chalcatzingo
essay 1987 Bugé , David E.

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
In the course of a cultural ecological analysis of modern indigenous agricultural practices in the vicinity of the Olmec-influenced highland site of Chalcatzingo, Bugé provides some details on soils and scheduling relevant to the Formative period. Th...

The physical and cultural setting
essay 1987 Grove, David C. et al.

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
The authors define the archaeological zone at and around the Olmec-influenced highland site of Chalcatzingo, briefly describing its geographical and historical setting....