Contributions of physical anthropologists to the concept of Hopewell
essay 1979 Buikstra, Jane E.

HopewellNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Buikstra presents a history of the physical anthropological studies of the Hopewell. In the process she discusses cranial deformation, 'trophy' skulls and their possible meanings, possible population movements, problems with different types of osteol...

Archaic mortuary sites in the central Mississippi drainage
essay 1983 Charles, Douglas K., 1952 & Buikstra, Jane E.

Eastern Middle ArchaicNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Charles and Buikstra examined Archaic mortuary sites (pre-Titterington and Titterington phases or Middle and Late Archaic) within the central Mississippi River drainage. They surmise the people were already sedentary and that there was significant co...

Behavioral implications of Terminal Archaic and Early Woodland mortuary practices in the lower Illinois Valley
essay 1986 Charles, Douglas K. et al.

Eastern Early WoodlandNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Due to the paucity of burial data that date strictly to the Early Woodland, the authors used mortuary data dating from the Terminal Archaic through the Early Woodland to interprete Early Woodland burial practices and population size. Diseases and inj...