Middle formative lithic industries at Chalcatzingo
essay 1987 Burton, Susan Sassé

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Utilizing the data presented in Document 38, Burton attempts to analyze intrasite variability in the chipped stone tool assemblage at the Olmec-influenced highland site of Chalcatzingo, despite difficulties presented by stratigraphic mixing and a rat...

Obsidian blade manufacturing debris on terrace 37
essay 1987 Burton, Susan Sassé

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Burton follows the analysis of chipped stone in general at the Olmec-influenced highland site of Chalcatzingo with this detailed description and analysis of what appears to be a waste deposit from an obsidian workshop at locale T-37, dating to the la...

essay 1987 Burton, Susan Sassé

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This document provides detailed descriptions of chipped stone artifact types pertaining to the Barranca and Cantera phases (3100-2500 B.P.) at the Olmec-influenced highland site of Chalcatzingo. Summaries of variables occurring in particular contexts...