eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
The architecture of Huaca los Reyesessay 1985 • Conklin, William J.
Coastal Andean Early Formative • South America > Central Andes
Conklin conducted field observations at the site of Huaca Los Reyes, part of the Caballo Muerto complex, in the Moche Valley on the north coast of Peru, additionally drawing on Thomas Pozorski's excavation results (1976 [2012]) and other, earlier doc...Tiahuanaco and Huariessay 1991 • Conklin, William J.
Huari • South America > Central Andes
This document presents a comparative study of the architecture of two deeply interrelated cultures -- that of Tiahuanaco and Huari. In this work Conklin identifies those elements in Tiahuanaco architecture which have an antithetical counterpart in Hu...Architecture of the Chimuessay 1990 • Conklin, William J.
Chimu • South America > Central Andes
The author examines Chimu architecture through images found in ceramics and textiles and by examining architectural remains, tracing changes from the early [i]huacas[/i] from the Initial Period in the Moche Valley through the urban layouts of Chimu. ...The patterns of art and power in the Early Intermediate Periodessay 1988 • Conklin, William J. & Moseley, Michael Edward
Andean Regional Development • South America > Central Andes
This is a good, brief overview of Central Andean cultural sequences, major sites, and styles of the Early Intermediate Period. The authors examine the northern, central, and southern coastal areas, and the central and southern sierra of Peru. Some of...