Three thousand years in Africa
1981 Connah, Graham

West African NeolithicAfrica > Western Africa

The archaeology of Benin
book chapter 1975 Connah, Graham

West African Regional DevelopmentAfrica > Western Africa
Excavations in and around Benin City provided radiocarbon dates from stratified deposits, allowing the creation of a preliminary sequence of pottery forms and decorations: the early, middle and late phases (the early phase is within the West African ...

Brilliance beneath the trees
book chapter 1987 Connah, Graham

West African Regional DevelopmentAfrica > Western Africa
This overview of the West African Regional Development makes use of historical accounts and data from archaeological sites in Ghana and southern Nigeria (Akan states, Old Oyo, Ife City, Benin City, and Igbo-Ukwu) to extrapolate what likely was happen...

Radiocarbon dates
book chapter 1975 Connah, Graham

West African Regional DevelopmentAfrica > Western Africa
This is a report on radiocarbon dates for Benin City....