eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Chiquitoy Viejoarticle 1977 • Conrad, Geoffrey W.
Chimu • South America > Central Andes
This document presents some of the results of excavations at Chiquitoy Viejo, a site built after the Inka conquest of the Chimu. Although the site appears to be an Inka road waystation or [i]tampu[/i], it is atypical. It was probably an Inka administ...The burial platforms of Chan Chanessay 2010 • Conrad, Geoffrey W.
Chimu • South America > Central Andes
This is an examination of the mortuary practices for Chimu kings. Ten compounds ([i]ciudadelas[/i]) within Chan Chan correspond with the ten kings listed in traditional histories. There are descriptions the burial platforms within the [i]ciudadelas[/...Farfan, general Pacatnamu, and the dynastic history of Chimoressay 1990 • Conrad, Geoffrey W.
Chimu • South America > Central Andes
This document covers the traditional history and archaeological evidence concerning General Pacatnamu and his provincial capital; probably the site of Farfan, an intrusive Chimu administrative center with architecture similar to the [i]ciudadelas[/i]...