Tradition Summary
essay 2010 Cowgill, George L.

Central Mexico ClassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This is a summary of the Central Mexico Classic Tradition. Information is presented on major aspects of the Central Mexico Classic archaeological tradition....

State and society at Teotihuacan, Mexico
essay 1997 Cowgill, George L

Central Mexico ClassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Between 100 BCE [before the Christian era] and 200 CE [after the Christian era], the city of Teotihuacan grew rapidly, most of the Basin of Mexico population was relocated in the city, immense civic-religious structures were built, and symbolic and m...

The Central Mexican Highlands from the rise of Teotihuacan to the decline of Tula
essay 2000 Cowgill, George L

Central Mexico ClassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
The main focus of this study is the ancient city of Teotihuacan, which flourished from about 150 BC to around 650 AD. Cowgill discusses the political position of the city in relationship to other polities in the Central Mexican Highland region, and i...