The social consequences of irrigation agriculture
essay 1995 Craig, Douglas B.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Craig presents a model of the potential agricultural strategies and examines the connection between construction of the platform mound near the end of the Meddler Point site's abandonment and ...

Raw data used in Meddler Point agricultural productivity analysis
essay 1995 Craig, Douglas B.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This appendix contains the raw data used to calculate the possible agricultural productivity for Meddler Point from AD 740 to AD 1370. See eHRAF document no. 39 for a detail discussion....

Houses, households, and household organization
essay 2007 Craig, Douglas B.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Archaeologists see the pattern of houses arranged around an open space or courtyard as representing extended family households. These courtyard groups are considered to be the primary social u...

The demographic implications of architectural change at the Grewe site
essay 2000 Craig, Douglas B.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Large-scale excavations conducted at the Grewe site, the ancestral village to Casa Gande Ruins, resulted in the discovery of over 250 Hohokam pithouses dating to the Preclassic period (A.D. 70...