Competition and cooperation in a prehispanic multi-ethnic system in the central Andes
Book 2001 Dillehay, Tom D.

Andean Regional StatesSouth America > Central Andes
In this dissertation, Dillehay examines the complex relationship between highland and lowland groups in the Chillón Valley of Peru and constructs a multi-ethnic interaction system model, which he uses to explain why a state did not develop in the val...

South American regions
book chapter 2000 Dillehay, Tom D.

Early Paleo-IndianNew World > New World
The author provides an overview of the archaeological sites from the late Pleistocene to early Holocene to the west of the Andes in South America, concentrating on describing the artifacts, what the archaeological record says about the economy in the...

South American regions
book chapter 2000 Dillehay, Tom D.

Early Paleo-IndianNew World > New World
This document provides an overview of archaeological sites from the late Pleistocene to early Holocene found to the east of the Andes in South America. The author concentrates on describing the artifacts and the various economies indicated by the arc...

Earliest hunters and gatherers of South America
article 1992 Dillehay, Tom D. et al.

Early Paleo-IndianNew World > New World
This document provides a brief overview of 41 archaeological sites in South America, concentrating on those that date between 13,000-10,000 BP (several of the lithic traditions continue into the Holocene). The authors emphasize the diversity of artif...