eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Black Sand culture origins and distributionessay 1986 • Farnsworth, Kenneth B.
Eastern Early Woodland • North America > Eastern Woodlands
Farnsworth 'briefly summarize[s] ideas … [on] the origin, spread, and eventual disappearance of Blank Sand culture and artifacts in the upper Midwest.' (page 634). Black Sand sites are small, shifting camps on or near large rivers and streams. Farnsw...Early Woodland chronology, artifact styles, and settlement distribution in the lower Illinois Valley regionessay 1986 • Farnsworth, Kenneth B. & Asch, David L.
Eastern Early Woodland • North America > Eastern Woodlands
'The Center for American Archeology (CAA) … has conducted field studies in the lower Illinois Valley region for over 25 years.… This paper summarizes data accumulated on Early Woodland sites in the lower Illinois Valley drainage.… [D]ata are also inc...Patterns of Late Woodland/Mississippian interaction in the lower Illinois valley drainageessay 1991 • Farnsworth, Kenneth B. et al.
Mississippian • North America > Eastern Woodlands
It has been widely believed by archaeologists that lower valley Late Woodland populations were physically replaced or integrated into American Bottom Mississippian cultural systems after about 1000 A.D. In this article the authors explore the possibi...Woodland subsistence settlement in west central Illinoisessay 1979 • Asch, David L. et al.
Hopewell • North America > Eastern Woodlands
The authors of this paper examine subsistence and settlement for the entire Woodland period. Only the data pertaining to the Middle Woodland were indexed for OCM (Outline of Cultural Materials) subjects. Among the topics the authors briefly discuss a...