eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Comments on 'The Hohokam Village'essay 1987 • Fish, Paul R.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
Fish also comments on the papers from the symposium on the Hohokam village given at the 1985 American Association for the Advancement of Science meetings (eHRAF documents nos. 18-26); summarizing the papers, current theoretical concerns and proposing...Community, territory, and polityessay 2007 • Fish, Paul R.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
Fish and Fish describe Hohokam communities as in terms of what they were composed of and where they were found. They also try to reconstruct how communities might have functioned by comparing Hohokam with contemporary O'odham people....The Marana Mound siteessay 2000 • Fish, Paul R. & Fish, Suzanne K.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
Increasing Hohokam political and social complexity during the early Classic period is examined from the perspective of recent investigations at the Marana Mound site in the northern Tucson Basin. This site offers unique distributional information wit...Hohokam political and social organizationessay 1991 • Fish, Paul R. & Fish, Suzanne K.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
Hohokam social and political organization is the primary focus of this article examined in large part by analogy to the comparable organizations among the Pima and Papago ethnic populations that succeeded the Hohokam in the region. Although much of t...The Dairy siteessay 1992 • Fish, Paul R. et al.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
Fish et al. discuss the findings from the excavations at the Dairy site. The site has a preceramic occupation from the late Archaic period. Also '[s]tudies at the Dairy Site (AZ AA:12:285) document subsistence activies from an initial interval of pla...The Marana community in comparative contextessay 1992 • Fish, Suzanne K. & Fish, Paul R.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
Fish and Fish compare the Marana Community to other Hohokam communities in Arizona. They compare settlement systems, canal systems, population size, settlement hierachies, and land use....Suggested readingessay 2007 • Fish, Suzanne K. & Fish, Paul R.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
This document lists the suggested readings for documents 90 - 106 for those interested in further research....The Hohokam millenniumessay 2007 • Fish, Suzanne K. & Fish, Paul R.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
Fish and Fish write a summary of the Hohokam. They include who the Hohokam were, what was remarkable about them, how they used their desert environment, and a little bit about early research on the Hohokam. This document is an introduction to eHRAF d...Civic-territorial organization and the roots of Hohokam complexityessay 2000 • Fish, Suzanne K. & Fish, Paul R.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
The Hohokam trajectory exhibits cultural continuity for over a millennium as Hohokam societies attained a high level of complexity for the prehistoric Southwest. A degree of continuity marks some elements through which we study power relations, but o...Referencesessay 1992 • Fish, Suzanne K. et al.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
This document contains the references for eHRAF documents nos. 80-88....An introduction to time, place, and researchessay 1992 • Fish, Suzanne K. et al.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
Fish et al. present an introduction to eHRAF documents no. 80-88 and the Hohokam tradition. They discuss its diagnostic artifacts, its environmental setting, and the differences between the core, in the Phoenix basin, and the peripheral regions. They...Early sedentism and agriculture in the northern Tucson Basinessay 1992 • Fish, Suzanne K. et al.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
Fish et al. discuss late Archaic and Early Ceramic sites in the Tucson basin. Early sedentism and agriculture occur together about 1000 years before the appearance of pottery. They discuss how and why people may have first settled into more permanent...Evolution and structure of the Classic period Marana communityessay 1992 • Fish, Suzanne K. et al.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
Fish et al. describe how the Marana community evolved during the Preclassic and through the Classic periods. They compare the area of the settlements of the two periods as a way to estimate relative population for the two periods. The Marana platform...Parameters of agricultural production in the northern Tucson basinessay 1992 • Fish, Suzanne K. et al.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
Fish et al. consulted with two traditional Sonoron desert farmers to gain a better understanding of how the different zones may have been farmed. They describe the environment, soil, and climate especially as it relates to how the land may have been ...Evidence for large-scale agave cultivation in the Marana communityessay 1992 • Fish, Suzanne K. et al.
Hohokam • North America > Southwest and Basin
One of the significant results from the survey of the northern Tucson basin has been finding widespread agave cultivation, a new agricultural technology. Agave fields will contain rockpiles and low stone alignments. These features cover hundreds of h...Studies in disruptionessay 1994 • Nelson, Ben A. et al.
Early Anasazi • North America > Southwest and Basin
Nelson et al. examine the skeletal data from five sites to analyze several hypotheses 'regarding the conditions under which prehistoric southwestern populations experienced biological disruption' (page 60). They present summaries on the sites and the...Studies in disruptionessay 1994 • Nelson, Ben A. et al.
Late Anasazi • North America > Southwest and Basin
Nelson et al. examine the skeletal data from five sites to analyze several hypotheses 'regarding the conditions under which prehistoric southwestern populations experienced biological disruption' (page 60). They present summaries on the sites and the...