The Early Woodland occupations of southern Ontario
essay 1986 Spence, Michael W. & Fox, William A.

Eastern Early WoodlandNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Spence and Fox focus on the Meadowood occupation of southwestern Ontario. Early Woodland sites have Vinette 1 interior-exterior cordmarked ceramics and/or bifacially worked tools made from Onondaga or Selkirk chert. Some authors also consider Middles...

article 1991 Ellis, Christopher J. et al.

Eastern Early ArchaicNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Ellis, Wortner, and Fox describe and analyze the material from the Nettling site in southern Ontario. The site has been intensively surface collected from the late 1950s to the late 1970s. And excavations occurred in 1967 and 1979. The lithic assembl...