Petrography of Snaketown pottery
essay 1965 Gladwin, Nora

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is a petrographic analysis of pottery from Snaketown in Arizona and the Mogollon culture of southwestern New Mexico, in terms of the rock temper used in both places. Generally speaking, Snaketown tempering is a coarse granitic schist or gneiss, ...

essay 1965 Gladwin, Harold Sterling et al.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This work consists in its entirety of bibliographical citations relevant to documents 54-78 in this archaeological collection....

Analysis of pottery in Mound 29
essay 1965 Gladwin, Harold Sterling et al.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
The tables presented in this document give the percentages of sherds according to phases in the sections of the three stratitests of Mound 29 at Snaketown. For all phases excepting the Vahki the figures are based on painted pottery only as the plain ...