Analysis of faunal material recovered from Xochicalco
essay 2000 Heath-Smith, Cynthia

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Heath-Smith presents a preliminary reconstruction of the faunal portion of the diet during the Gobernador phase. 'The study, however, may not reflect general subsistence patterns at the site at that time for two reasons: the sample size is small, and...

Excavations of Aztec urban houses at Yautepec, Mexico
article 1999 Smith, Michael Ernest et al.

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This report is a discussion of recent excavations at the site of Yautepec in the Mexican state of Morelos that have uncovered a large set of residential structures from an Aztec city. Seven houses with asssociated middens, as well as several middens ...