Boundary-making strategies in early Pueblo societies
essay 1994 Hegmon, Michelle

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Hegmon examines architecture and ceramic styles to determine if they can shed light on boundaries. Private storage areas increase with sedentism and regionally distinctive ceramics first appear during the Pueblo I period. Hegmon compares Black Mesa w...

Social integration and architecture
essay 1989 Hegmon, Michelle

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Hegmon discusses how architecture can be used to create and maintain social integration. Most of this document is theory. Hegmon then discusses a few examples of architecture at historic pueblos and Anasazi architecture. She is especially interested ...

The styles of integration
essay 1989 Hegmon, Michelle

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
The relationship between ceramic style and type of integrative structure is examined. Comparisons are made between (1) pit structures used primarily as habitations with no integrative function above the household level, (2) pit structures shared by s...

Variability in food production, strategies of storage and sharing, and the pithouse-to-pueblo transition in the northern Southwest
essay 1996 Hegmon, Michelle

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This article attempts to understand human social responses to resource stress and economic uncertainty among food producers in the Southwest. Specifically the author's focus is on the effects of different strategies of sharing or not sharing food amo...

essay 1989 Hegmon, Michelle & Lipe, William D.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Hegmon and Lipe present an introduction to documents 28-39. They briefly summarize the other papers. Maps of the various areas discussed in those papers are presented....

Production for local consumption and exchange
essay 1995 Hegmon, Michelle et al.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
The authors' goal in this study is to focus specifically on understanding ceramic production in relation to distribution and exchange. This problem is addressed by comparing ceramics that were distributed at different scales in the prehistoric Southw...

Historical and analytical perspectives on architecture and social integration in the prehistoric pueblos
essay 1989 Lipe, William D. & Hegmon, Michelle

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Lipe and Hegmon review the analytic approaches used to study social integration. They discuss architecture, community patterns, exchange, ceramics, mortuary analysis, and style....