The growth of a Hohokam community
essay 1987 Henderson, T. Kathleen

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
'This paper is concerned with defining the site structure of La Cuidad, its history and development. For the purposes of this paper, the examination of site structure will be limited to a single locus...The Moreland locus was chosen since it is relat...

Ceramics, dates, and the growth of the Marana community
essay 1987 Henderson, T. Kathleen

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Henderson describes the ceramics found at four of the Marana community sites. She describes their condition (how broken up they are) as a means of indicating the different categories of ceramic deposits and whether an area was cleaned by hand, swept,...

What is going on at the Hohokam village?
essay 2000 Henderson, T. Kathleen & Hackbarth, Mark R.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
The Polvorón phase has generated debate among archaeologists because of questions about the characteristics used to define the phase and its chronological placement. A review of dates associated with the Civano and Polvorón phases leads to the conclu...

The northern Tucson Basin research setting
essay 1987 Henderson, T. Kathleen et al.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Henderson, Fish, and James describe the previous research in the Tucson basin, provide an environmental context by describing the geology, climate and the flora and fauna, and a summary of the what is known about the Hohokam in the Tuscon basin.They ...