Teotihuacán regional population administration in Eastern Morelos
article 1978 Hirth, Kenn

Central Mexico ClassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
As part of his research in eastern Morelos, Hirth proposes that the Amatzinac region became part of Teotihuacán's outer hinterland. His research indicates 'These areas supplied regional commodities to support Teotihuacán's large population and provid...

Ancient urbanism at Xochicalco
essay 2000 Hirth, Kenn

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Hirth presents the results of his field work in western Morelos and at the site of Xochicalco. He and his team mapped the architectural remains at the site of Xochicalco and the surrounding countryside, conducted systematic surface collection, excava...

essay 2000 Hirth, Kenn

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This work consists in its entirety of bibliographical citations relevant to documents 32 - 46 in the eHRAF archaeological collection....

The Xochicalco Mapping Project
essay 2000 Hirth, Kenn

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This article serves as an introduction to a series of papers on the Epiclassic period at the archaeological site of Xochicalco in the state of Western Morelos, Mexico. These papers, collected by the Xochicalco Mapping Project under the direction of t...

Appendix A
essay 2000 Hirth, Kenn

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
These are the topographic base maps in sectional format of Xochicalco. They were 'prepared using photogrammetric techniques at 1:1,100 scale.' (page 197). They were used to map the site and do not contain most of the architectural features....

Formative period settlement patterns in the Río Amatzinac Valley
essay 1987 Hirth, Kenn

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Hirth provides analysis of the results of an intensive site survey of the Río Amatzinac Valley of Morelos State, Mexico, utilizing the Formative period data presented in Document 39. Early Formative period Amate phase (3500-3100 B.P.) occupation appe...

Río Amatzinac survey
essay 1987 Hirth, Kenn

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This is an inventory of sites in the Río Amatzinac Valley of Morelos State with a Formative period component, as discussed in Hirth: 1987 (Document 24) with consideration of Olmec influence during that period. (Most sites were continuously or sporadi...

Ground-stone tools and their behavioral implications
essay 2000 Hirth, Kenn & Robinson, Kenneth

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
In this paper the authors provide a typological classification of the ground-stone artifacts recovered at Xochicalco. This typology provides a description of the Xochicalco ground-stone assemblage that can be used for baseline comparisons with other ...

Early state expansion in Central Mexico
essay 1981 Hirth, Kenn & Angulo V., Jorge.

Central Mexico ClassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
Hirth and Villaseñor present evidence of different kinds of Teotihuacan influence in Morelos. In the Amatzinac region it appears the Teotihuacan state colonized the area as evidenced by the influx of Teotihuacan-style ceramics, the change in settleme...

Appendix C
essay 2000 Hirth, Kenn & Rossum, Peter van

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This appendix is the raw data used in the analyses in chapters 6-9. It includes such things as household number, location, building material used, decorative stonework, local verses imported ceramics, and flaked and ground stone lithic tools....

Flaked-stone obsidian tools and their behavioral implications
essay 2000 Hirth, Kenn et al.

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
During the Xochicalco Mapping Project (xmp) in Western Morelos, a large quantity of flaked-stone artifacts was recovered on the slopes of Cerro Xochicalco and the adjacent plains. This article identifies these artifact and debitage classes and recons...

The Xochicalco architectural atlas
essay 2000 Hirth, Kenn et al.

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This chapter describes briefly all the various architectural features found within the area mapped by the Xochicalco Mapping Project, including civic-ceremonial areas, households, terraces, defensive features, and transportation features. It includes...

A Catalogue of carved monuments and a guide to the visual characteristics of Xochicalco's art style
essay 2000 Smith, Virginia & Hirth, Kenn

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This catalog of the published and unpublished stone carvings located at Xochicalco before 1990 provides a general description of the carvings, identifies their original and present locations, and lists the primary published references for each work. ...

Ceramics of western Morelos
essay 2000 Cyphers, Ann & Hirth, Kenn

Central Mexico PostclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
This study examines the ceramics from western Morelos to obtain information about cultural development and organization at Xochicalco as a step in establishing a ceramic chronology that could identify the full range of occupation at the site and prov...

The physical and cultural setting
essay 1987 Grove, David C. et al.

OlmecMiddle America and the Caribbean > Central Mexico
The authors define the archaeological zone at and around the Olmec-influenced highland site of Chalcatzingo, briefly describing its geographical and historical setting....