eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
The emergence of long-distance exchange networks in the southeastern United Statesessay 1996 • Jefferies, Richard W.
Eastern Middle Archaic • North America > Eastern Woodlands
Jeffries discusses long distance exchange in the Midwest and Southeast during the Middle and Late Archaic. Regional exchange seems to have started around 6000 B.P. Jeffries believes long distance exchange started as 'increasing social and environment...The Tunacunnhee siteessay 1979 • Jefferies, Richard W.
Hopewell • North America > Eastern Woodlands
This paper presents a summary of the Tunacunnahee site data which contained one of the more important concentrations of Ohio Hopewell materials (including more than nine and maybe as many as 15 panpipes). Jefferies also describes the environmental se...Dimensions of Middle Archaic cultural adaptation at the Black Earth site, Saline County, Illinoisessay 1983 • Jefferies, Richard W. & Lynch, B. Mark
Eastern Middle Archaic • North America > Eastern Woodlands
Jeffries and Lynch give a summary of the findings from Area A of the Black Hills site. Discussed are the the environmental setting, site formation, artifacts, features, subsistence, and burials. The evidence suggest the site was intensively used duri...Crab Orchard and Early Woodland cultures in the middle Southessay 1986 • Butler, Brian M. & Jefferies, Richard W.
Eastern Early Woodland • North America > Eastern Woodlands
Butler and Jefferies look at the Crab Orchard ceramic tradition and its possible origins. They also look at '…the relationship of Crab Orchard to surrounding areas and the origins and spread of conoidal, fabric-impressed ceramics.' (page 523). Crab O...