Miller Hopewell of the Tombigee drainage
essay 1979 Jenkins, Ned J.

HopewellNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Jenkins summarizes the Miller Culture in the Tombigbee Drainage, especially the ceramics and lithic artifacts. The Miller I phase has Hopewellian-like burial mounds. The Miller II phase still contains Hopewellian-like burial mounds but lacks the nume...

Early ceramic development in the Gulf coastal plain
essay 1986 Jenkins, Ned J. et al.

Eastern Early WoodlandNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Jenkins, Dye, and Walthall write about the ceramic of the Gulf tradition. These ceramics first appear around 4500 B.P. and they consistently have decorations such as incising, punctating, fingernail pinching, rocker stamping, straight dentate stampin...