Tradition summary
essay 2005 Köhler, E. Christiana

Lower Egypt PredynasticAfrica > Northern Africa
This is a summary of the Lower Egypt Predynastic Tradition....

The state of research on Late Predynastic Egypt
article 1995 Köhler, E. Christiana

Lower Egypt PredynasticAfrica > Northern Africa
E. Christiana Köhler conducted intensive research of the ceramic assemblage at Tell el-Farain-Buto. She believes the archaeological evidence does not show the Naqada expansion (which took about 500 years) to have been a military expansion. Instead, t...

The Pre- and Early Dynastic pottery of Tel el-Fara'in/Buto
essay 1992 Köhler, E. Christiana

Early Dynastic EgyptAfrica > Northern Africa
Köhler describes the pottery found at Buto from the late Naqada period to the early 4th dynasty. The stata at Buto show a mostly gradual transition from Lower Egyptian pottery to Naqada pottery. There are some things that are unique to Buto such as m...