eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Excavation of the truncated mound at the Walling sitebook chapter 1990 • Knight, Vernon J.
Eastern Middle Woodland • North America > Eastern Woodlands
This document describes the excavations and analysis of a truncated, rectangular mound at the Walling site. The site contains a small trucated mound located near the western margin of a village midden; both are presumed to be contemporary with the Co...Moundville as a diagrammatic ceremonial centeressay 1998 • Knight, Vernon J.
Mississippian • North America > Eastern Woodlands
Some ethnographically documented ceremonial centers have spatial layouts that are diagrammatic of basic aspects of social organization. The Moundville site shows regularities in its layout that suggest that its plan is a sociogram. An analogy for int...Bibliographyessay 1998 • Knight, Vernon J. & Steponaitis, Vincas P.
Mississippian • North America > Eastern Woodlands
This work consists of bibliographical citations relevant to documents 22-30 in the Mississippian file....A new history of Moundvilleessay 1998 • Knight, Vernon J. & Steponaitis, Vincas P.
Mississippian • North America > Eastern Woodlands
By the late twentieth century there have been several advances in archaeologist's understanding of the specifics of Moundville' s developmental history. For example, critical segments of the regional chronology have been refined. Differences between ...McKeithen Weeden IslandBook 1984 • Milanich, Jerald T. et al.
Eastern Middle Woodland • North America > Eastern Woodlands
The McKeithen site dates from circa 250-900 A.D. It can be divided into two phases: Weeden Island I (250-700 A.D.) and Weeden Island II (700-900 A.D.). Only the data that pertain to Weeden Island I (and that are presumabley Middle Woodland) were inde...