The Tiwanaku
book chapter 1993 Kolata, Alan L.

Andean Regional DevelopmentSouth America > Central Andes
The first chapter describes the natural environment of the southern Andean region. It explains how the natural environment and the unequal distribution of resources affected and possibly shaped the cultures that arose there. The second chapter gives ...

Chronology and settlement growth at Chan Chan
essay 2010 Kolata, Alan L.

ChimuSouth America > Central Andes
A construction sequence is proposed for the [i]ciudadelas[/i] at Chan Chan based on of different adobe brick types used to build [i]audiencias[/i]. Brick seriation and architectural morphology provide the basis of a construction chronology for the ci...

The urban concept of Chan Chan
essay 1990 Kolata, Alan L.

ChimuSouth America > Central Andes
The author examines the forces that underlay the changes in urban architecture of Chan Chan. Maps of the phases of urban growth are provided. Emphasis is given to structures with political and economic functions including [i]ciudadelas[/i], annexes, ...

Chan Chan
Book 1978 Kolata, Alan L.

ChimuSouth America > Central Andes
This dissertation presents an analysis of changes through time in the urban landscape of Chan Chan, with particular emphasis on the elite administrative structures known as [i]ciudadelas[/i], although small irregular agglutinated rooms (SIAR) and int...

The agricultural foundations of the Tiwanaku state
article 1986 Kolata, Alan L.

TiahuanacoSouth America > Central Andes
Kolata discusses '…the nature, role and significance of intensive agriculture in the ancient state of Tiwanaku,…' (page748). Some of the results of the regional survey are presented. Kolata found extensive tracts of raised agricultural fields; a netw...

The Tiwanaku
book chapter 1993 Kolata, Alan L.

TiahuanacoSouth America > Central Andes
Kolata uses ethnohistoric, linguistic, and ethnographic data on the Aymara and Inca, along with archaeological and paleoecological data, to explore Tiwanaku culture in this broad overview. Kolata also describes the natural setting of the altiplano an...

References cited
essay 1996 Kolata, Alan L.

TiahuanacoSouth America > Central Andes
This is the bibliography for eHRAF documents nos. 9-20....

Proyecto Wila Jawira
essay 1996 Kolata, Alan L.

TiahuanacoSouth America > Central Andes
In this chapter, Kolata describes the on-going, long-term, multidisciplinary research project that is called the Proyecto Wila Jawira. Kolata introduces the project and describes some of the previous research in the area. Backgound information on the...

Tiwanaku raised field agriculture in the Lake Titicaca basin of Bolivia
essay 1996 Kolata, Alan L.

TiahuanacoSouth America > Central Andes
Kolata and Ortloff examine the distribution, morphology, and function of raised fields through survey, aerial photography, and excavation of raised fields and their associated canals. Both the Catari and Tiwanaku river valleys were examined. The resu...

Theoretical orientations and implications sof the Proyecto Wila Jawira
essay 1996 Kolata, Alan L.

TiahuanacoSouth America > Central Andes
Kolata uses this last chapter to, '…expand upon some elements of general social theory that influenced the manner in which [he] framed [his] research questions…' (page 265). He discusses some of the organizational principles of the Tiwanaku state. He...

The decline and fall of Tiwanaku
book chapter 1993 Kolata, Alan L.

Aymara KingdomsSouth America > Central Andes
This document, which establishes the cultural background for the subsequent Aymara kingdom period (1100 A.D. - early 1600s), presents a detailed study of the collapse of the Tiwanaku empire as seen through the lens of its agricultural history. Basing...

Agroecological perspectives on the decline of the Tiwanaku state
essay 1996 Kolata, Alan L. & Ortloff, Charles R.

TiahuanacoSouth America > Central Andes
'This chapter examines the collapse of the Tiwanaku state through … its agricultural history. We argue that the direct cause of Tiwanaku's decline … was the deterioration and ultimate abandonment of its regional-scale agricultural systems. We present...

Rehabilitating raised-field agriculture in the southern Lake Titicaca basin of Bolivia
essay 1996 Kolata, Alan L. et al.

TiahuanacoSouth America > Central Andes
The authors present the results from their experimental raised fields in many communities (22 indigenous Aymara communities) in the Tiwanaku hinterland. They describe their '…methods and data-collection protocols and evaluate the results of crop prod...

The natural and human setting
essay 1996 Binford, Michael W. & Kolata, Alan L.

TiahuanacoSouth America > Central Andes
This chapter examines the geology, surface hydrology, groundwater, climate, paleoclimate, pollen found in lake cores, Lake Titicaca (water quality, lake levels, productivity, etc.), aquatic and terrestrial flora and fauna, etc. of the southern Lake T...

Geology, geomorphology, and soils of the Tiwanaku and Catari River basins
essay 1996 Argollo, Jaime et al.

TiahuanacoSouth America > Central Andes
This chapter explores the geology, soils, and water availability and quality in the Tiwanaku and Catari River basins. 'Understanding the distrubution and character of these basic environmental variables is fundamental for a systematic interpretation ...

Nutrient fluxes and retention in Andean raised-field agriculture
essay 1996 Carney, Heath J. et al.

TiahuanacoSouth America > Central Andes
The authors conducted chemical and biological analyses along nine transects in different ecotones. The data from the transects and experimental fields is used to determine that '… the anthropogenic landscape of raised-field networks differentially re...