Monte Albán's hinterland, part. 2
book chapter 1989 Kowalewski, Stephen A.

Highland Mesoamerican Late PreclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > General Middle America and the Caribbean
When starting this document it was decided to mark it for OCM codes (Outline of Cultural Materials) that date to the time period of 2600 BP to 1600 BP (600 BC-400 AD) or the Rosario phase through the Monte Albán IIIA phase. It was only when marking t...

population and agricultural potential
book chapter 1982 Kowalewski, Stephen A.

Highland Mesoamerican Late PreclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > General Middle America and the Caribbean
Kowalewski examines the questions of how the valley population was sustained and why the rural population was distributed where it was. To do this he looks at agricultural productivity, the distribution of the population, and agricultural land and wa...

Appendix II
book chapter 1978 Kowalewski, Stephen A. et al.

Highland Mesoamerican Late PreclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > General Middle America and the Caribbean
The primary purpose of this study is to analyze the collection of ceramic sherds from the Monte Albán Survey in order to date changes in the settlement pattern of the urban center. The process involved the classification of the sherds according to ty...

The Preceramic and Formative of the Oaxaca
essay 1981 Flannery, Kent V. et al.

Highland Mesoamerican ArchaicMiddle America and the Caribbean > General Middle America and the Caribbean
This paper presents a synopsis of the preceramic (Archaic) period in the Valley of Oaxaca, essentially encompassing three historical phases: the Jicaras (5000-4000 BC); Blanca (3300-2800 BC); and Martinez (±2000 BC). Cultural data for the Archaic dea...

Monte Albán's hinterland, part 1
book chapter 1982 Blanton, Richard E. & Kowalewski, Stephen A./Feinman,Gary/Appel, Jill

Highland Mesoamerican Late PreclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > General Middle America and the Caribbean
This study reports on the progress of the Valley of Oaxaca Settlement Pattern Project and specifically on the archaeological surveys of the central and southern portions of the Valley of Oaxaca. The material presented here gives a phase-by-phase pict...