Appendix VIII
book chapter 1978 Kuttruff , Carl

Highland Mesoamerican Late PreclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > General Middle America and the Caribbean
This article is structured to provide a descriptive catalogue of the figurine and urn fragments that were recovered from the site of Monte Albán during the Monte Albán Survey Project. Attempts are made to date the figurine fragments based on comparis...

Appendix IX
book chapter 1978 Kuttruff , Carl & Autry, William O.

Highland Mesoamerican Late PreclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > General Middle America and the Caribbean
Test excavations at Terrace 1227 at the site of Monte Albán reveal a lengthy occupation of the area from the Monte Albán I through Monte Albán V periods. These excavations also exposed a Monte Albán II tomb and a Monte Albán V bell shaped pit. These ...