Archaic adaptations to the Illinois Prairie
essay 1983 Lewis, R. Barry

Eastern Middle ArchaicNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
The upper Salt Creek drainage was surveyed prior to construction of the Clinton Nuclear Power Station and Reservoir. The region is still relatively unknown archaeologically which is why the Middle and Late Archaic are treated as one temporal unit in ...

Early Woodland adaptations to the Illinois prairie
essay 1986 Lewis, R. Barry

Eastern Early WoodlandNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Lewis used site records and cultural resource management reports to compile this paper. 'This paper draws on the available data from a 13-county study region in the Illinois prairies and examines the nature of Early Woodland regional adaptations.…[S]...

Why are Early Woodland base camps so rare?
essay 1986 Lewis, R. Barry

Eastern Early WoodlandNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Lewis provides one answer to the question of why Early Woodland base camps are so rare in Illinois. Lewis points out the Early Woodland time period is only 20-30% as long as the Late Archaic time period and ceramics have to be found to identify a sit...

The Early Mississippian Period in the confluence region and its northern relationship
essay 1991 Lewis, R. Barry

MississippianNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
In this study Lewis summarizes the understanding of Mississippian cultural developments in the Ohio-Mississippi rivers confluence region with emphasis on the early Mississippi period and on connections with the American Bottom and the Lower Ohio Vall...

essay 1991 Emerson, Thomas E. & Lewis, R. Barry

MississippianNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
This work consists of bibliographical citations from Cahokia and the hinterlands : middle Mississipian cultures of the Midwest, edited by Thomas E. Emerson and R. Barry Lewis...

essay 1991 Emerson, Thomas E. & Lewis, R. Barry

MississippianNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
This article is the preface to the publication 'Cahokia and the Hinterlands: Middle Misssissippian Cultures of the Midwest', edited by Thomas E. Emerson and R. Barry Lewis. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois press, 2000. The editors present a...