eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
The microblade tradition in Chinaarticle 1998 • Lu, Tracey Lie Dan
North China Upper Paleolithic • Asia > East Asia
The author discusses the microblade assemblages found in different parts of China, defining what makes microblades different from other lithic industries. The microblade tradition appears associated with the period of the Pleistocene–Holocene transit...The transition from foraging to farming in Chinaarticle 1999 • Lu, Tracey Lie Dan
North China Upper Paleolithic • Asia > East Asia
This is an overview of early agriculture in China, touching on several topics: theories regarding the rise of agriculture, environmental factors, associated artifact types, where evidence for agriculture has been found, and under what circumstances p...Some botanical characteristics of green foxtail (Setaria virdis) and harvesting experiments on the grassarticle 1998 • Lu, Tracey Lie Dan
Southeast China Early Neolithic • Asia > East Asia
As little is known about the process of millet domestication, Lu carried out plant observations and harvesting experiments on Setaria viridi or green foxtail. The idea was to identify the growing schedule, to observe how the plant ripened and how the...The origins and dispersal of rice cultivationarticle 1998 • Higham, Charles & Lu, Tracey Lie Dan
Southeast China Early Neolithic • Asia > East Asia
The authors are interested in the question of where, when, why, and how rice was domesticated. They start with descriptions of the climate and environment of the terminal Pleistocene and Holocene. Some of these changes may have encouraged foragers to...